
I currently live in Chile and work from my studio in the countryside, Pirque,  South of Santiago.

I had a Studio in Barcelona for 15 years and also in Oporto for 2 years. 

My way of life is moving to diferent places so I also have an studio in Amatlán, México which is a place I love to learn of the nature, antience cultures and old traditions. Another city I love so much and inspire me is New York city , which is the city of anything could happen , at any time and any place. The freedom of the people, the multicultural society make my imagination flows and expand my creativity.

my paintings are definitely portraits, but I see them as if they were costumes that embody people, that play a role. When I paint I am interested in putting aside value judgments and allowing intuition and the strength of a body executing each gesture with full confidence to be the protagonists.

Accepting myself as a painter has helped me understand that no matter how much I want to direct my painting to a single style, this will never be possible because I visualize that life and situations are always eclectic, they transform and should not always be painted the same. In this way, each situation has its own peculiar way of interpreting itself and this is how I change the way I paint, but all my styles have in common that the result is a painting that collapses time, fusing the contemporary and the past, placing people specific in ancient narratives, from other times dreamed of and not lived, that perhaps never existed or ever will exist. majestic queens of a bygone era. Paintings that are to be experienced from emotions, feelings that do not make me think or intellectualize, because I do not like to think, I like things that I do not know what they are, that are absurd, because it is not necessary to know or understand everything. That mystery is what makes the painting blend between the materiality of the painting and what you want to see in it.

I have exhibited my work in many different countries and my  inspiration is from all my travels . I paint what I see , what I experiment from the diferents landscapes, human forms, animals, particularly I paint woman as a misterious being charming , sometimes sinister , brilliant and strange.

I mix images of women, animals and nature that then I inmerse in fictional worlds that are characterized by having a certain barroque and fantastical air.

 Budda v/s Godess

                    STUDIES & EXHIBITIONS

1994     Art and Graphics, Eses Alpes Institute, Santiago de Chile.

1995.   Studied Fine Arts under Master Hernan Valdovinos

1997   Portrait Workshop , Universidad Catolica de Chile

1998   Graduated in Bachelors of Visual Arts, Universidad de Chile

1998   Exhibition Cultural Center , Sant Pauli , Hamburg , Germany

1999   Exhibition Ojos para el Alma, Alto Las Condes, Santiago de Chile

2001   Contemporary Art studies , Scola Massana, Barcelona , Spain

2002   Open an Art Gallery Atelier La Incubadora , Oporto , Portugal

2003   Exhibition English Institute , Young Street , Toronto, Canada

2004   Exhibition Esto Gallery, El Born, Barcelona, Spain

2005   Exhibition Gallery Sol i Nit, Barcelona, Spain

2006   Exhibition Princes´s Street Gallery, Edimburg, Scotland

2007   Exhibition Hotel Eurostars , Barcelona, Spain

2008   Exhibition Gallery Km 5 , Ibiza, Spain

2009   Exhibition Centro Culturale, Bari, Italy

2010   Exhibition Gallery MG, Barcelona , Spain

2012   Workshop of Contemporary Art, New York, Usa

2013   Exhibition Gallery Clandestina, Madrid, Spain

2014   Exhibition Gallery Fun Sore, Santiago de Chile

2015   Exhibition Auction House Lyon and Lynch, Pirque, Chile

2016   Exhibition Centro Cultural Curarrehue, Araucania, Chile

2017   Exhibition Medical Center San Cristobal, Vitacura, Chile

2018   Exhibition Gallery Manamar, Pernambuco, Brasil

2019   Participation in Global Art Festival, Gujarat, India

2019   Exhibition Centro Cultural La Condesa, Ciudad de México, México

2021   Exhibition  El Domo Gallery Tulum , Mexico.

2022   Exhibition Artisa Gallery, San Nicolas , Aruba.

2023   Symposium International Odisha, India.

2024 Kensington Market Gallery , Toronto, Canada